How to raise a e-complaint on my husband for harassment, without him knowing?

I cannot move out of my home as he monitors my every movement. We both are married for 14 years and we have twin kids (11 months old) via IVF. He has low sperm count issue so we went for IVF process. We live in Hyderabad, bac from Uk in 2020. He started verbal abuse and physical abuse immediately after our marriage, but since we got married without parents support, I couldn’t dare to leave him. But it’s been increasing gradually and looks like he has psychological issues. He even scolds my little ones whenever he gets angry. If he gets angry he doesn’t have control on what he does. He will scold me and sometimes hit me. The only reason I haven’t comeout till now is because I am worried of my parents. He can go to any extreme when something is not going as per his will. Even after kids were born, he didn’t change. He even has bad reputation in our community for his bad mouth. Please please I beg police department to take some action and save me and my kids from him. He can do anything if he knows I gave complaint to police. I want a peaceful life with my kids.

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