Poor customer service with Expedia.

I booked a flight from Pereira Columbia to Raleigh Durham for my girl friend who was on time for her flight, but would not let her board because her name was not correct for the flight using her Visa. I checked and it was correct. I called customer service to complain and they cancelled her flight saying she was a no show when in fact she trying to board. I had to purchase a one way ticket for $1500 from Pereira Columbia to Raleigh Durham. They would not give me credit for the purchase. I am asking for credit.

Dear @Dwight_Creech ,

To resolve your complaint with Expedia, I recommend the following steps:

  1. Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant documents, including the original booking confirmation, your girlfriend’s visa and passport, proof of her arrival at the airport on time, and the receipt for the $1500 ticket.
  2. Contact Expedia Support: Reach out to Expedia’s customer service with these details. Clearly explain the issue, emphasizing that her name was correct, she was not a no-show, and that their cancellation caused significant financial loss.
  • From India, call toll-free 18605002121 or +911244873888 (9 AM–7 PM).
  • From the USA, dial toll-free 866-310-5768 or hotline 404-728-8787 (charges may apply).
  • Online Help Center: Visit Expedia Help Center for additional support.
  1. Request Escalation: If the initial agent cannot resolve the issue, ask to speak with a supervisor. Request compensation for the $1500 ticket or at least a credit for future travel.
  2. File a Written Complaint: Use Expedia’s official complaint process or send an email to their executive customer service team.
  3. Explore Consumer Protection Options: If you don’t get a satisfactory resolution, consider filing a complaint with a travel ombudsman or consumer protection agency.

If you still need assistance drafting a complaint letter or navigating the process, reply to us!