High Earth To Neutral Voltage but my electricity company is not responding


Even after escalation, the issue with your power supply’s grounding remains unresolved. Since the JEs were unable to resolve the problem, please resubmit your complaint through the Jansunwai Portal. Include the reference number of your previous complaint when you resubmit so your grievance is properly tracked and escalated to the higher office of the PuVVNL.

You should detail the transformer’s inadequate grounding (grounded with only a nail) and the JEs’ lack of knowledge and equipment. The more detail you provide, the better. If your current grievance is closed, you will receive a call and message. In this case, visit the Jansunwai grievanec portal, fill out the feedback form, your complaint will be automatically escalated to senior officials.

If still need help, reply to us.

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