Tcpdump Tutorial: Use tcpdump to Analyze Network Cybersecurity Threats

tcpdump is a powerful command-line packet analyzer tool that allows you to capture and analyze network traffic. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to use tcpdump for analyzing network cybersecurity threats [1] with a real-world example of an attack.


  • Basic understanding of network protocols and cybersecurity concepts.
  • tcpdump installed on your system. (Installation instructions provided below.)

Step 1: Installing tcpdump

  1. Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu):

    sudo apt-get install tcpdump
  2. Red Hat-based systems (including CentOS, Fedora):

    sudo yum install tcpdump
  3. Kali Linux:
    Kali Linux, a Debian-based distribution, typically comes with tcpdump pre-installed. However, if it’s not installed, use:

    sudo apt-get install tcpdump

Step 2: Capture Network Traffic

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Identify your network interface: Use the ifconfig or ip a command to list all network interfaces.


    Look for interfaces like eth0, wlan0, etc.

  3. Start capturing packets: Use tcpdump to start capturing packets on your chosen network interface. In this example, we’ll use eth0.

    sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -w capture.pcap
    • -i eth0: Specifies the interface to capture packets from.
    • -w capture.pcap: Writes the captured packets to a file named capture.pcap.
  4. Stop capturing packets: Press Ctrl+C to stop the capture after a sufficient amount of data is collected.

Step 3: Analyze the Captured Traffic

  1. Read the capture file: Use tcpdump to read the captured packets from the file.

    sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap
  2. Filter specific traffic: Use filters to narrow down the analysis to specific types of traffic. For example, to view HTTP traffic:

    sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap -nn -A -s 0 'tcp port 80'
    • -nn: Prevents hostname and port number resolution, showing raw IP addresses and port numbers.
    • -A: Prints each packet in ASCII.
    • -s 0: Captures the entire packet.

Step 4: Practical Example: Detecting a DDoS Attack

  1. Recognize signs of a DDoS attack [2]: A Denial of Service (DoS) attack involves overwhelming a network with a flood of traffic. In this example, we will identify an unusually high volume of traffic from a single source.

  2. Capture traffic during the attack: Assume you have captured traffic during a suspected DDoS attack period. Open the capture file:

    sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap
  3. Filter by source IP: Identify if a single IP address is sending an excessive number of packets. For instance, filter packets from a suspected IP (

    sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap -nn 'src host'
  4. Count packets from the source IP: Use wc -l to count the number of packets from the source IP, indicating potential DDoS activity:

    sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap -nn 'src host' | wc -l

Step 5: Advanced Analysis with Wireshark

While tcpdump is great for capturing and filtering traffic, more complex analysis can be done using Wireshark.

  1. Open the capture file in Wireshark: Transfer the capture.pcap file to a system with Wireshark installed and open it.

    wireshark capture.pcap
  2. Analyze traffic patterns: Use Wireshark’s graphical interface to apply filters, follow TCP streams, and visualize traffic patterns to identify anomalies.

Example Scenario: Investigating a Potential DDoS Attack

  1. Capture traffic during suspected attack: Assume you’ve captured network traffic during a period of suspected DDoS activity.

  2. Inspect capture file:

    sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap -nn

    Look for signs of abnormal traffic patterns, such as many packets from a single source IP.

  3. Filter and analyze suspect IP:

    sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap -nn 'src host'

    Determine if the source IP is generating excessive traffic.

  4. Determine packet count:

    sudo tcpdump -r capture.pcap -nn 'src host' | wc -l

    A high packet count could indicate a DDoS attack.

By following these steps, you can use tcpdump to capture and analyze network traffic, helping you identify and investigate cybersecurity threats such as DDoS attacks.

  1. In this context, cybersecurity threats are malicious activities targeting computer networks and systems. These threats can include denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), malware infections, and data breaches. tcpdump can help analyze network traffic to identify and investigate these threats by capturing and filtering packets to reveal suspicious patterns or unusual activities. (Explanation by AI) ↩︎

  2. A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a type of cyberattack that aims to overwhelm a network or server with a flood of traffic, making it unavailable to legitimate users. In this context, the tutorial is using tcpdump to capture and analyze network traffic to identify possible signs of a DDoS attack. (Explanation by AI) ↩︎