What is the process for mutation of land records after purchasing a property?

Mutation of land records, also known as ‘Dakhil Kharij,’ is a process after purchasing a property in India. It involves updating the land revenue records to reflect the change in ownership from the seller to the buyer. While it’s not mandatory in all states, it’s highly advisable as it serves as proof of ownership and helps avoid future disputes.

The mutation process in India:

  1. Initiation: The process is usually initiated by the buyer. Some states might allow the seller to initiate it as well. You need to apply for mutation at the Tehsil or Taluk office or the Revenue Department of the area where the property is located.

  2. Application and Documents: You need to fill out the prescribed application form, which can be obtained from the respective office or sometimes downloaded online. Along with the application, you need to submit the following documents:

    • Original Sale Deed (Registered)
    • Copy of the previous owner’s mutation record (if available)
    • Identity and address proof of the buyer (Aadhar Card, PAN Card, etc.)
    • Property tax receipts
    • Any other documents required by the local authorities
  3. Verification: After submission, the revenue department will verify the submitted documents and the details mentioned in the application. They might conduct a field inspection to confirm the property details.

  4. Fee Payment: You will be required to pay a nominal fee for processing the mutation. The fee varies depending on the state and the value of the property.

  5. Issuance of Mutation Certificate: Once the verification is complete and the fee is paid, the revenue department will issue a mutation certificate. This certificate is an official acknowledgement of the change in ownership and is crucial for various purposes, including property tax payment, obtaining loans against the property, etc.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Time Frame: The time taken for mutation varies from state to state, usually ranging from 30 days to 6 months. However, delays can occur due to various reasons like incomplete documentation or pending verification.

For any disputes regarding real estate properties, you can approach the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) of your state.

Why Mutation is Important:

  • Proof of Ownership: The mutation certificate serves as legal proof of ownership of the property.
  • Property Tax Assessment: Mutation is necessary for the local authorities to assess property tax correctly in the name of the new owner.
  • Avoidance of Disputes: Mutation helps avoid future disputes regarding property ownership.
  • Loan and other transactions: A mutation certificate is often required for availing loans against the property and other property-related transactions.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Important Points:

  • Mutation is not a transfer of title: It’s an administrative process to update the land records. The actual transfer of ownership occurs through the registration of the sale deed.
  • State-specific laws: The mutation process might have slight variations in different states. It’s advisable to consult with a local lawyer or revenue official for the exact procedure and requirements in your state.
  • Online mutation: Some states offer online mutation facilities for faster processing.

Please note: This information is for general awareness and should not be considered as legal advice. The mutation process and related laws can vary from state to state. You should consult a legal professional for personalized guidance.

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