Sewer issue

I will try to register a complaint last 15 days our area sewer is blok last 15 days i call to our parsad Mr Ramnivas bansal he given Mr Ashok sewer incharge number but they not response our call.

In this issue water falls in my home :house: I am very disappointed for this.

pls help to resolve this complaint Positively.

Thanks & Regard
Jai Sharma

Dear @jai_sharma

If your issue is not resolved by the Faridabad Municipal Corporation (MCF) or its councillor, you can lodge an online public grievance to the Appellate Authority of the PG Cell (Secretary) at the Directorate of Urban Local Bodies (DoULBs) through “CM Window - Haryana CM Grievance Cell” of the government of Haryana.

If still need help, you may reply to us.