Why there are'nt any drainage plans for monsoon rain?

In many areas, water clogs over the roads and footpaths. These are mostly the cases of Local Service Roads where unplanned constroction is done. Even if a narrow strip of 1 inch depth and 2 inches of width can allow water to reach drain holes or canals.All authorities should think on this.

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Dear @work_darshan

If you have complaints about waterlogged roads and footpaths in your area, file your complaint with the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). To contact the PMC office, call the toll-free helpline number 18001030222.

While lodging your complaint, provide photos and videos of the area and location. You can also contact your ward office that handles local issues.

If the road is a state highway or major arterial road, lodge a public grievance to the Public Works Department (PWD) or Department of the Road & Transport through “Maharashtra Public Grievance Redressal System Portal (PGRS)” of the government of Maharashtra.