Electricity disrupted in Dhaka Cantonment but not resolved

Dear sir, in our area at Barontek in Dhaka Cantonment electricity is not available since 1600 hours to till now (1210am). Several complain has been given. But still no technicians of DESCO has come here. Life is become uncomfortable specially for kids. This problem is occurred frequently.

Dear @Rashed458

If tiur complaints are not being heard by the current designated technician or officials of your power station. You should file your complaints about the negligence of service by DESCO employees to the Grievance Redress Officer (GRS) of DESCO in Dhaka.

To know more, read: Where to file complaints about DESCO electricity services?

In future, this will help you to resolve the complaints. We suggest, you may first contact your regional office of DESCO. If not resolved, complain to GRS.