Sir. Chaitanyapuri hyd. Prabhatnager tap water is not coming. Schedule time is. 9.30 AM. Every. Alternative day but water not coming at proper time 2 days back water given. Not. Properly. Only one hour given we are most suffering. There is any chang we have to intimate sir. Look into the matter. Sort out shortly provide water sir.
Dear @rameshwarrao_d,
We understand the inconvenience caused by the irregular water supply in Prabhatnagar, Chaitanyapuri, and the impact it’s having on your daily routine.
To resolve this, please contact the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) helpline at 155313, WhatsApp: Message on +919154170968 or submit a complaint via their website.
Make sure to provide details about the missed timings and reduced water supply.
If the situation doesn’t improve, consider escalating the issue with local authorities.
If still need help, reply to us.
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