Where to file complaints about recruitment examinations of Staff Selection Commission (SSC)?

If you experience issues with recruitment examinations of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) such as technical glitches during online exams, discrepancies in answer keys or results, delays in result declaration, or concerns regarding the allocation of posts, you can file a complaint to SCC by following these steps and use the provided contact details of respective officials:

File a Complaint to SSC:

  • Online Complaint Form: As a candidate, you can file a complaint online through the online grievance form available on the official SSC website (ssc.gov.in). After the successful submission of the complaint, the form will be forwarded to the concerned regional office of SSC for necessary action.

  • Helpline Number: You can also call the SSC headquarters at +911124368090 to register your complaint with helpdesk. For support & enquiry, call to the toll-free number 1800-309-3063.

  • Email: You can also email to helpdesk-ssc@ssc.nic.in.

  • Written Complaint Letter: If you prefer, you can send a detailed grievance letter to the following address: Staff Selection Commission Block No-12, 4th Floor CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi-110003.

Be sure to include your subject, roll number, a clear description of your complaint, and any supporting documents like admit cards or certificates.

Don’t forget to note down the acknowledgement ID or obtain it from the office if submitted the complaint by post or in person at the regional or head office.

Contact Your Regional SSC Office:

You can also contact your designated regional SSC office to make your complaints regarding recruitment, posting, and conduct of examinations. They are responsible for addressing complaints within their jurisdiction. Here’s the contact information:

Regional Office Helpline Number(s) Email Website
Northern Region (New Delhi) +911124363343, +911124367526 enquirysscnr@gmail.com, rdsscnr@gmail.com https://sscnr.nic.in/
Central Region (Prayagraj) 05322406000, 9452424060 rdcrssc@gmail.com https://ssc-cr.org
Eastern Region (Kolkata) 03322902230, 9477461228, 9477461229 contact-sscer@gov.in https://sscer.org
Western Region (Mumbai) 0222201917, 02222018866 examinquirysscwr@gmail.com, sscwr@yahoo.com https://sscwr.net
Southern Region (Chennai) 04428275568, 04428251138 sscsr.tn@nic.in https://sscsr.gov.in
North West Region (Chandigarh) 01722744366 sscnwrgoi@gmail.com, examination@gmail.com https://sscnwr.org
Karnataka Kerala Region (Bangalore) 08025502520, 08025527342, 9483862020 rdssckkr@nic.in https://ssckkr.kar.nic.in
North East Region (Guwahati) 09435052556, 09531456804 rdner.ssc@gmail.com, sscner.candidatecontact@gmail.com https://sscner.org.in
MPR Region (Raipur) 07712960440 sscraipur@yahoo.co.in, sscmpr@yahoo.co.in https://sscmpr.org

Escalate through CPGRAMS PG Portal:

If your initial complaint isn’t resolved satisfactorily by the designated grievance officer at headquarters and regional offices, you can escalate the matter through the Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) portal. This portal allows you to lodge an online public grievance with either the SSC or the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT).

When lodging a grievance, provide:

  • Candidate details
  • The reference/ticket number of your previous complaint
  • A detailed explanation of the unresolved issue
  • Any supporting documents including admit card and certificates.

After successful registration of your complaint, The portal assigns a unique registration number to your grievance, enabling you to track its progress.

You can also file a Right to Information (RTI) application to obtain information related to SSC examinations or the selection process.

:person_tipping_hand:t5: Tips:

  • Must provide a copy of your admit card or reference ID of your examination application including all relevant details and evidence.
  • Keep track of reference numbers and communication for future reference.

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