Where to File Consumer Complaints in Bangladesh?

For consumer complaints such as defective products, new phones with a malfunctioning camera, an appliance failing within its warranty periods, or a refund after a purchase, you can file your consumer complaints to respective consumer protection authorities under Bangladeshi consumer law.

These are the primary authorities available to file a consumer product complaint in Bangladesh:

Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCRP):

The DNCRP is a government agency specifically dedicated to safeguarding consumer rights. They offer multiple ways to lodge a complaint:

1. DNCRP Consumer Hotline:

  • DNCRP Consumer Hotline: 16121
  • Phone Number: 02-55013218 (Complaint) or 01777-753668 (Mobile)
  • Email: nccc@dncrp.gov.bd (for written complaints)

2. Online Complaint:

While the DNCRP website might be in Bangla, you can still use it for filing a complaint.

  • Visit the DNCRP portal: https://dncrp.portal.gov.bd/

  • Locate the “Raise Complaint” section (translation tools can assist if needed).

  • Fill out the online form with details like your information, product details, nature of the complaint (faulty product, refund issue etc.), and attach any supporting documents (photos, receipts).

  • Submit the form and await a response from the DNCRP.

3. In-Person Complaint:

This might be more effective, especially for complex situations.

  • Locate your nearest DNCRP district office. You can find office locations through online searches.
  • Alternatively, consider calling the DNCRP general number: 02-55013218 for assistance.
  • Upon arrival at the office, request to meet with a designated official and explain your complaint thoroughly.
  • Remember to bring copies of relevant documents like purchase receipts, warranty cards, and any communication with the seller.

Examples of Consumer Complaints:

  • Defective Products: This could include electronics with malfunctions, appliances failing within warranty periods, or receiving counterfeit items instead of genuine ones.
  • Misleading Advertising: A product’s advertised features don’t match its actual functionality.
  • Hidden Costs: Unexpected charges discovered after purchasing a service.
  • Refund Issues: The seller refuses to issue a refund for a faulty product, even within the return policy timeframe.

:person_tipping_hand:t6: Tips: Always keep your receipts, invoices, warranty cards (if applicable), and any photos or videos documenting the product’s defect. Try to explain the issue with the product, your attempts to resolve it with the seller, and your desired outcome (repair, replacement, refund).

These authorities will protect your consumer rights in Bangladesh, you can ensure fair treatment in the marketplace.

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