Where can I complain about electronics products of LG Electronics - India?

If you have complaints about electronics products of LG Electronics India Private Limited such as consumer electronics (TV, AC, accessories, purifiers), home appliances, and mobile communications devices, follow these steps to register your complaints with the LG support team:

LG Customer Support:

Steps to File a Complaint Online:

  • Visit LG’s official website: https://www.lg.com/in
  • From the menu, click “Support
  • Select “Product”, “Order” Support or “Contact Us
  • After clicking contacts us, tap “Chat with us”
  • Start Shopping or Service chat, as per your requirement.
  • Provide necessary details such as product information, issue description, and personal contact information.

After filing your complaint, obtain the reference/ticket ID to track your status. If you want to repair your electronic device (e.g. washing machine, TV, Refrigerator, computer devices, or home appliances), submit an online repair request to the LG service center.

Escalation to Service Head:

If not resolved at Level 1, escalate to the Service Head by emailing the MD or CEO Office of LG Electronics. Within your grievance, must include your initial complaint reference/ticket ID, warranty card, invoice, and reason for dissatisfaction.

For any privacy concerns related to video calls on LG devices, email serviceindia@lge.com.

Approaching Consumer Forum:

If you are not satisfied with the final resolution or your consumer rights, file an informal complaint against LG to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) under the Department of Consumer Affairs. Further, you may lodge a formal consumer complaint through the E-DAAKHIL platform to the Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (CDRC).

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