If you want to file complaints about the electricity services of Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) in regions of Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara, Uttara, Mirpur, Dhanmondi, Mohammadpur, Motijheel, Old Dhaka (parts), and other areas in Dhaka, follow this guide and use provided helplines & contact details to file your complaints to the electricity board:
DPDC Customer Service:
- Hotline: Call the DPDC hotline number 16116 at any time for direct communication with a customer care representative.
- Email: Send your complaint details to complian@dpdc.org.bd.
If your complaints are not resolved, escalate them to the regional offices of the electricity board in Dhaka.
Each area within Dhaka City has a designated customer service contact center, for example, the Adabor area can be reached at customer care number 8101592 or 01766675038, and the email is xenadabor@dpdc.org.bd.
Customer Service Center:
S.No. | Region | Customer Care No. | |
1 | Adabor | 8101592 / 01766675038 | xenadabor@dpdc.org.bd |
2 | Azimpur | 02223364271 / 01730320309 | xenazimpur@dpdc.org.bd |
3 | Bashaboo | 55120492 / 01730320316 | xenbashaboo@dpdc.org.bd |
4 | Banglabazar | 47391319 / 01730320321 | xenbanglabazar@dpdc.org.bd |
5 | Bangshal | 57314008 / 01730320322 | xenbangshal@dpdc.org.bd |
6 | Bonosri | 47291973 / 01766675039 | xenbanasree@dpdc.org.bd |
7 | Dhanmondi | 0248122752 / 01730320302 | xendhanmondi@dpdc.org.bd |
8 | Demra | 02223302848 / 01730320332 | xendemra@dpdc.org.bd |
9 | Fatulla | 02-997746133 / 01730320328 | xenfatulla@dpdc.org.bd |
10 | Jurain | 02223343968 / 01730320326 | xenjurain@dpdc.org.bd |
11 | Jigatola | 55000776 / 01730320304 | xenjigatola@dpdc.org.bd |
12 | Kamrangirchar | N/A / 01730320312 | xenkamrangirchar@dpdc.org.bd |
13 | Kakrail | 48315178 / 01730320308 | xenkakrail@dpdc.org.bd |
14 | Khilgaon | 47212244 / 01730320315 | xenkhilgaon@dpdc.org.bd |
15 | Kazla | 02223344343 / 01730320320 | xenkazla@dpdc.org.bd |
16 | Lalbag | 57315156 / 01730320311 | xenlalbag@dpdc.org.bd |
17 | Motijheel | 02222222256-7 / 01730320317 | xenmotijheel@dpdc.org.bd |
18 | Mugdapara | 02-47292880 / 01730320319 | xenmugdapara@dpdc.org.bd |
19 | Mogbazar | 02226664266 / 01730320306 | xenmogbazar@dpdc.org.bd |
20 | Maniknagar | +8802223348855 / 01730320318 | xenmaniknagar@dpdc.org.bd |
21 | Matuail | 02223342700 / 01766675040 | xenmatuail@dpdc.org.bd |
22 | Narinda | 02-223353299 / 01730320324 | xennarinda@dpdc.org.bd |
23 | Narayangonj (West) | 22244373 / 01730320330 | xennarayangongjw@dpdc.org.bd |
24 | Narayangonj (East) | +8802224438442 / 01730320329 | xennarayangonje@dpdc.org.bd |
25 | Paribag | 02223371705, 02223371704 / 01730320310 | xenparibag@dpdc.org.bd |
26 | Postogola | 47441621 / 01730320325 | xenpostogola@dpdc.org.bd |
27 | Ramna | 223355077 / 01730320313 | xenramna@dpdc.org.bd |
28 | Rajarbag | 222220777 / 01730320314 | xenrajarbag@dpdc.org.bd |
29 | Swamibag | 223358633 / 01730320323 | xenswamibag@dpdc.org.bd |
30 | Satmosjid | 01730320301 | xensatmosjid@dpdc.org.bd |
31 | Shamoli | 48120141 / 01730320303 | xenshamoli@dpdc.org.bd |
32 | Sher-e-Bangla Nagar | 58151247 / 01730320307 | xensherebanglanagar@dpdc.org.bd |
33 | Shyampur | 47450877 / 01730320327 | xenshayampur@dpdc.org.bd |
34 | Siddhirgonj | 02997744955 / 01730320331 | xensiddirgonj@dpdc.org.bd |
35 | Sitalakhya | 02997746747 / 01766675041 | xensitalakhya@dpdc.org.bd |
36 | Tejgaon | 01730320305 | xentejgaon@dpdc.org.bd |
Steps to file an online complaint:
- Visit the DPDC consumer portal: https://dpdc.gov.bd/
- From the “Complaint Management” section, click “NOCS Search and Customer Feedback”.
- Click “File a complaint” option to open the online complaint form
- Fill out the required details in the form
- Submit the form.
Finally, note down the reference/ticket ID to track status.
Escalate to Grievance Disposal Officer:
If your lodged complaints remain unresolved after 15 days or you’re dissatisfied with the outcome at Level 1, escalate it to the Grievance Redressal Officer of DPDC. You can lodge your complaint online or submit a written complaint letter by post, email, or using the provided contact details:
- Phone No.: 0223353232 or 0241025656
- Email: cs@dpdc.org.bd
- Address: Grievance Redressal Department, 1, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka-10005.
Appeal to Appellate Officer:
If the escalated grievance is not resolved by the GRS Officer at Level 2 to your satisfaction, contact the Appellate Officer of DPDC. The contact details of the officer are:
- Phone No.: 0247120028
- Email: md@dpdc.org.bd
- Address: Bidyut Bhaban, 1, Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka-1000.
Remember to keep a record of your complaint reference number at each stage to track the progress and for any further escalations.
If you’re still not satisfied with the resolution of DPDC, you may approach the Central Services of the Electricity Department within the Power Division through the Grievance Redressal System (GRS) of the Government of Bangladesh or file an appeal with the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC).
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