To file electricity complaints of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Power Distribution Corporation Limited (DNHDDPDCL) from regions of Amli, Dadra, Silvassa, Masat, Rakholi, Kharapdapa, Silli, Khadoli, Khanvel, Athal, Vaghdhara, Khadola, Mandoni, and Dudhani, follow this guide and use the provided helplines & contact details of the electricity board:
DNHDDPDCL Electricity Helplines:
- Helpline Number: Call the toll-free number 19126 or +912602406500 (Reception) for immediate assistance in case of emergency or no power supply.
- Email:
Customer Care Center:
You can also contact your Sub-Station of the electricity board:
Sub-Station | Helpline Number |
Power House Zanda Chowk | +912602642837 |
Amli | +912602642810 |
Dadra | +912602668520 |
Silli | +912602993475 |
Athal | +912602630055 |
Kharadpada Line Staff | +912602650716 |
Khanvel | +912602677242 |
Khadoli | +912602699014 |
Rakholi | +912602680020 |
Masat | +912602640604 |
Mandoni Complaint Centre | +912602996201 |
Dudhani Complaint Centre | +912602996200 |
File an Online Complaint:
- Visit the official website of DNHDDPDCL:
- Click “Customer Services” option
- Click “Register a complaint” to open the online complaint form.
- Fill out the necessary details like your consumer number, the nature of the complaint, and your contact information.
- Submit the form
Finally, note down the reference/ticket ID to track status. If the issue isn’t resolved, escalate it to the respective sub-divisional office of DNHDDPDCL.
Escalate to Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF):
If your complaint remains unresolved at sub-divisional office, file it with the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of DNHDDPDCL. Within your grievance letter, include reference/acknowledgement ID of the unresolved complaint and expected relief from the forum.
Contact details of the Forums:
1. Dadra & Nagar Haveli:
- Phone Number: +912602642926, +912602642338
- Email:,
- Address: Chairperson, Office of the CGRF – The CGRF for Electricity, DNHDDPDCL, Vidhyut Bhavan, 66 KV Road, Near Secretariat, Amli, Silvassa – 396230, U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
2. Daman & Diu:
- Phone Number: +912602992330, +912602406500
- Email:,
- Address: Chairperson, Office of the CGRF – The CGRF for Electricity, Department of Electricity, Power House Building, Sea Facing Road, Nani, Daman- 396210.
Don’t forget to get an acknowledgement receipt for your submission.
Approach to the Electricity Ombudsman:
If the CGRF does not resolve your complaints satisfactorily or if the complaint isn’t resolved within specified timeframe (usually 45 days), appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman for the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERCUTS) with 30 days of final response or expiry of the resolution period.
Still, have a question? Ask by replying to us.
We will help you to resolve it.