Where to file complaints about Andaman & Nicobar Electricity Board?

If you have complaints about the electricity services of the Electricity Department of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, follow this guideline and use the provided contact details and helplines to lodge your power complaints with the Discom:

Andaman & Nicobar Electricity Board Helplines:

Customer Service Center:

You can also contact to the Executive Engineer of divisional office:

Division Office Phone Number Email
Headquarters +913192232593 eodb_and.eehqelec@gov.in
Nicobar Division (ND) +913192233190 eodb_and.eecnelec@gov.in
Rangat Division (Rural) +913192274335 eodb_and.eeranelec@gov.in
North Andaman Division (NAD) +913192278172 eodb_and.eenaelec@gov.in
NRSE +913192250577 eodb_and.eenrseelec@gov.in
Power Generation (PG) +913192240197 eodb_and.eepgelec@gov.in
South Andaman Division (SAD) +913192232549 eodb_and.eesaelec@gov.in

File an Online Complaint

  • Visit the official portal of Andaman & Nicobar Islands: https://www.andaman.gov.in/
  • Select “Electricity services” from the e-services options. You can also click “grievance at LG Office” to submit your complaint.
  • Open the Web Self Service (WSS) portal of the Electricity Board.
  • Login or register yourself and click “Register a complaint” from helpdesk section
  • Fill out required details within the form.
  • Submit the form

Finally, note down the reference/ticket ID to track status of your complaint.

If not resolved, you can also escalate the complaint to Nodal Officer at:

Escalation to CGRF

If your complaint isn’t resolved at the initial levels (customer care center and sub-divisional office), escalate it to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of the Electricity Department, Andaman and Nicobar. You may write a grievance letter including the reference/ticket ID and expected relief from the forum and send it to the head office of the electricity board.

  • Phone Number: +913192244822
  • Email: cgrf.and@nic.in
  • Address: Office of the CGRF – Electricity Department, Horticulture Road, Haddo, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Don’t forget to request an acknowledgement receipt upon submission.

Appeal to Electricity Ombudsman

If you’re not satisfied with the resolution from CGRF, appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERCUTS) within 30 days of the final order from the forum or expiry of the resolution period.

Still, have a question? :thinking: Ask by replying to us. :point_down:t5: We will help you to resolve it.

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