if you experience issues with electricity services (such as power outages, billing errors, new connection, or safety concerns) of the Goa Electricity Board in districts of Corlim, Panaji, Bambolim, Taleigao, Ponda, Margao, and Navelim, here’s how to file your electricity complaints to the Electricity Department (EDG) and escalate it if necessary.
1. Goa Electricity Board Helplines:
- Toll-Free Helpline: Call the helpline 1912 for immediate assistance (emergency or no power supply)
- Customer Care Numbers: Dial the customer service numbers +918322490800 and +918322458304 to report your consumer complaints.
- Email: customersupport@goaelectricity.gov.in
Note: For complaints regarding streetlights, call the helpline number 18002333949 / 18001803580.
When filing your complaint, be sure to provide:
- Consumer/Account Number
- Description of the Issue
- Date, location, and time of occurrence (if applicable)
- Supporting documents, photos, or evidence (if any)
2. Filing a complaint online:
The EDG has provided an online complaint portal, follow these steps:
- Visit the official EDG website: Goa Electricity Department (goaelectricity.gov.in)
- Locate the “Online Services” section and click the link.
- Select “Grievance/Feedback” from the top menu.
- Fill out the “online complaint form” with all required details such as CA number, category, and description of the issue.
- Submit the complaint form.
Don’t forget to note any reference number you receive. If you have submitted a written complaint at the sub-station or sub-divisional office, must obtain the acknowledgement receipt for the concerned officer.
3. Escalation to Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF):
If your initial complaint isn’t resolved satisfactorily by the sub-divisional or divisional offices of the electricity board, you can escalate to the CGRF of the Goa Electricity Department.
You can submit a written petition on plain paper, including supporting documents like bills and correspondence. Send this grievance form here:
- Address: The Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, Government of Goa, Electricity Department, 4th Floor, Vidyut Bhavan, Near main KTC bus stand, Vasco-da-Gama, 403 802 South, GOA District, GOA.
- Phone: 0832-2500-107 to 109
- Email: cgrfgoa@yahoo.com
4. Appeal to Electricity Ombudsman:
If the CGRF doesn’t resolve your issue within the specified resolution period to your satisfaction, you can approach the Electricity Ombudsman for Goa and UTs (Union Territories) as a last resort.
Remember that you must first file a complaint with the CGRF before approaching the Ombudsman.
Further, you can challenge the final decision of the Electricity Ombudsman to the High Court of Goa state.
- Maintain records of all communication, complaint reference numbers, and any responses you receive from the electricity department, CGRF, or the ombudsman.
- The resolution process may take time, but following these steps will ensure your complaint is properly addressed.
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