Where to file electricity complaints of Dakshin Gujarat VIJ Company Ltd (DGVCL)?

To file an electricity complaint with Dakshin Gujarat VIJ Company Ltd (DGVCL) in districts of southern Gujarat including Bharuch, Narmada, Surat (except part of Surat City), Tapi, Dangs, Navsari and Valsad, you can follow these steps and use provided contact details to lodge your complaints with the electricity board:

DGVCL Electricity Helplines:

  • Helpline Number: Call the toll-free helpline 19123 for immediate assistance in case of emergency or no power supply.
  • Customer Care Number: Dial the customer service number 18002333003 for electricity services.
  • Email: dgvcl@gebmail.com

Steps to File an Online Complaint:

  • Visit the DGVCL consumer portal: https://www.dgvcl.com/
  • From “Customer Service”, select “Customer Care” to open the complaint form.
  • Login or register your account to the “GUVNL consumer portal
  • Click “Register a complaint” option.
  • Fill out the complaint form including the DGVCL Account Number, Location of the Issue, Nature of the problem, and any Supporting Document.
  • Submit the form.

Finally, note down the reference/ticket ID to track the status of your complaint. You can use the ‘Quick Pay’ option for online bill payment or download the DGVCL Mobile App for Android or iOS for additional support.

If not resolved, escalate your initial complaint to the designated Assistant Executive Engineer (AE) at your nearest sub-divisional or divisional office of the electricity board.

Escalation to Consumer Forum (CGRF):

If your lodged complaints at the customer care center or sub-divisional offices are not resolved to your satisfaction within the resolution timeframe, escalate it to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of DGVCL. You can write a grievance letter including your consumer name, address, service connection number, and details of the grievance or use the provided grievance form. Also, attach relevant documents like bills or receipts.

You can send the application by post or visit in-person at the circle/zonal office of the electricity board. Contact details of the CGRF Forum are:

Forum Phone Number Email Jurisdiction
Surat +912612506180 eegerc.dgvcl@gebmail.com Bharuch, Surat, Narmada, and Tapi
Valsad +912632241034 cgrfvalsad@gebmail.com Valsad, Navsari, and Dangs

Approach to Electricity Ombudsman:

If the CGRF does not resolve your grievance within the given resolution period (usually 60 days), appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman of Gujarat within 30 days of the CGRF’s order. No charges are applicable for submitting the petition.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Tips: Keep a record of all communications and reference numbers for tracking the progress of your complaint.

Still, have questions? :thinking: Ask by replying to us. :point_down:t5: We will help you to resolve it.