Where to file electricity complaints of Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL)?

If you have complaints about electricity services of Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (UGVCL) in districts of Mehsana, Sabarkantha, Gandhinagar, Aravalli, Banaskantha, Patan, Mahisagar, Dahod, Panchmahal, Kheda, Anand, Vadodara, Chhotaudepur, Bharuch, and Narmada, follow this guideline and use provided helplines to file your complaints with the Northern Gujarat Electricity Board:

UGVCL Helplines:

  • Helpline Number: Call the toll-free helpline 19121 in case of emergency or no power supply
  • Customer Care Number: 1800233155335 or +916356620021 (for HT customers)
  • WhatsApp: Message on +919825819121
  • Email: Send an email to the customer care center at ccc@ugvcl.com.

If not resolved, escalate your complaints to the nearest sub-divisional or divisional office of the Electricity Board by submitting a written complaint to the Deputy Engineer (DE).

Steps to file an online complaint:

  • Visit the official website of UGVCL: https://www.ugvcl.com/
  • From the “Consumer” section of the menu, select “Consumer services”
  • Click “Consumer portal
  • Login to your account on the UGVCL portal or GUVNL portal
  • Click “Register a complaint” to open the form
  • Fill out the required details such as the location (pole number), description of the issue (such as power outage or billing dispute), and attach any relevant documents like photos or videos. in the complaint form.
  • Submit the form.

Finally, note the reference number for tracking the status of your complaint.

To pay your electricity bill, visit the quick payment portal of UGVCL.

Escalation to CGRF:

If your lodged complaint is not resolved by UGVCL customer care or sub-divisional office, escalate it to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of UGVCL. You can write a grievance letter or use the grievance form by providing grievance details like name, address, service connection number, nature of the complaint, expected relief and relevant documents.

Submit your grievance to the respective CGRF Forum by post or by visiting in-person at the circle/zonal offices. Contact details of the forums are:

Forum Phone Number Email
Ahmedabad +917927500981, +917927500214 forum@ugvcl.com
Mehsana +912762222080, +912762222081 cgrf@ugvcl.com

Approaching Electricity Ombudsman:

If your grievance is not resolved by the CGRF within the specified resolution period (usually 45 days), appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman of Gujarat within 30 days of the CGRF’s order.

Further, you can approach the High Court of the state to challenge the final order of the ombudsman. For commercial/licensee disputes, you can file a petition to the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission or Appellate Tribunal for Electricity.

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