How can I file shopping complaints of Nykaa?

If you want to file online shopping complaints of Nykaa such as products and service, delivery, defective product, cancellation, or payment, follow this guide and use the provided contact details to make your complaint with customer service executives:

Nykaa Customer Support:

For complaints related to seller or supplier, email to

Steps to File a Complaint Online:

  • Visit Nykaa’s Help Center or use the mobile app
  • Select the appropriate help or complaint category.
  • Use the ‘write to us’ option to fill out the online complaint form with details such as subject, description, order number, and attach any relevant images or documents.
  • Submit the Form

Finally, note down the reference or ticket number for future reference.

Escalation to Grievance Officer:

If your issue is not resolved satisfactorily, you can escalate it to the Grievance Officer at Nykaa by sending an email to or by writing to the following address:

  • Address: Designation – Grievance/Nodal Officer, Customer Service, Nykaa E-Retail Private. Ltd. 104, Vasan Udgoy Bhavan, Sun Mill Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013.
  • Email:

Consumer Forum

If your consumer complaints are not resolved by Nykaa, you may file an informal complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) with all supporting evidence.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Tips: Provide all necessary details such as name, contact information, order number, and any previous ticket numbers when communicating with Nykaa’s support team or the Grievance Officer. Attach all pertinent documents to support your complaint.

Still, have a question? :thinking: Ask by replying to us. :point_down:t5: We will help you to resolve it.

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