To file a complaint about online shopping and order services of Tata CLiQ including issues related to premium and luxury fashion, beauty, CLiQ Luxury (apparel, jewellaries, and accessories brands), lifestyle products, and orders (payment, returns, exchange, and delivery), follow these steps and use the provided contact details & helplines of the customer service:
Tata CLiQ Customer Support:
- Customer Care number: Contact Tata CLiQ’s customer support team by calling at +912268078282 or +912262313777 (CLiQ Luxury)
- Email: Send an email to (refund issues) or (for luxury services)
For disputes related to seller/business services with Tata CLiQ, email to In case of isses with Dead On Arrival/defective return approval process of digital products such as mobiles, cameras, smartwatches, laptops, or tablets, email at or
Steps to file a complaint online:
- Visit the Tata CLiQ’s official website (
- Navigate to “CLiQ care” from the menu section.
- Click “Login Now” to login your account and select your order.
- Chat with executive or open the online complaint form.
- Fill out the form with required details such as order number, issue description, and contact information.
- Submit the form.
Finally, note down the ticket number assigned for future reference. You can also use the Tata CLiQ mobile app for online shopping services and customer support.
Escalation to Grievance Officer:
If your issue is not resolved, escalate it to the Grievance Officer for Tata CLiQ of Tata UniStore Limited by sending an email with all relevant details of your complaint or writing a complain letter to of officer at:
- Phone Number: +919029108282
- Email:
- Address: Grievance Officer for Tata CLiQ – Tata UniStore Limited, 4th Floor, Empire Plaza 2, Chandan Nagar, LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai – 400083
As a last resort, if you’re still dissatisfied or your consumer rights are violated, you may approach the National Consumer Helpline (NCH). Further, you may file your case online or seek legal advice to understand your rights and options.
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