How to contact head of department or special units of Mumbai Police?

If your previously lodged police complaints or cases including criminal or civil matters are not addressed by the Divisional Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), escalate the case to the head of the respective department or special units of Mumbai Police.

In case, you have not yet lodged a complaint or FIR, file an online police complaint or e-FIR to Maharashtra Police. You can also visit the nearest local police station to lodge an FIR with the designated officer or SHO.

Contact DCP Units/Department:

Unit/Department Phone Number Email
HQ-I +912222620043
HQ-II +912222678751
Cyber Crime +912226529926
EOW-I +912222707704
Traffic HQ & Central +912224946223
Traffic East N/A
Traffic West +912226667376
Traffic South N/A
Enforcement +912222692515
Anti Narcotics +912222162308

If not resolved, escalate the case to the Commissioner of Police of Mumbai Police with all supporting evidence.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Note: If your lodged FIRs or police complaints related to citizen services are not redressed by the Mumbai Police officials, lodge a public grievance online to the Appellate Authority for Mumbai Police at Home Department through “Maharashtra CMO Public Grievance System” portal of the government of Maharashtra.

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