How can you file complaints about Lanka Electricity Company (LECO)?

If you have electricity complaints about Lanka Electricity Company (LECO) in regions of Kotte, Nugegoda, Kelaniya, Moratuwa, Galle, Kalutara, and Negombo, follow this guide to file your complaints with LECO and if unresolved, escalate the matter to higher authorities:

Contact LECO Customer Service

  • Hotline: Call the 24/7 hotline at 1910 for immediate assistance in case of no power supply.

  • Email: Send an email to

  • SMS: Text your complaint details to 0714643643 with the format “Cmp <space> <your complaint>”.

Contact details of head office:

  • Phone Number: +0940112371600
  • Fax: +0940112371671
  • Address: Headquarters, Lanka Electricity Company (Pvt) Ltd, No. 411, Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka.

If you have complaints about CEB, contact the Ceylon Electricity Board.

Steps to File an Online Complaint:

  • Visit the official website of LECO -
  • Click to open the chatbot support.
  • Enter your LECO account number to initiate the process.
  • Select ‘Lodging Complaints’, then choose the appropriate option to file your complaint.
  • In the online complaint form, provide your full name, address, a detailed description of the issue, and any relevant supporting documents.

After successful submission, note down the reference/ticket ID to track the status.

When filing your complaint, provide the following details:

  • Your full name and address
  • Your LECO account number
  • A detailed description of the problem
  • Date and time of the issue’s occurrence
  • Any steps you’ve taken to resolve the issue
  • Supporting documents (if applicable)

You can also visit or contact your nearest LECO customer service center for in-person assistance.

Escalate to the Divisional Branch Office

If your complaint is not resolved satisfactorily at the customer service level, escalate it to the relevant Divisional Branch Office of LECO.

You can use these contact details of your regional office:

Divisional Office Hotline (Phone Number)
Kotte 2877405 / 2877406
Nugegoda 2856380 / 2810140
Kelaniya 2917746 / 2910129
Moratuwa 2647003 / 2647862
Galle 091-2232216 / 091-2232108
Kalutara 034-2221873 / 034-2222930
Negombo 031-2233322 / 031-2222349

Appeal to the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL)

If the issue persists after contacting the Divisional Branch Office, you can appeal to the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL), the regulatory authority for electricity in Sri Lanka. You can submit your complaint online, via phone, fax, email, or mail.

PUCSL Head Office, Colombo:

  • Phone: +94112392608, +94115533341
  • Fax: +94112392641
  • Email:
  • Address: Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka, 6th Floor, BOC Merchant Tower, St. Michael’s Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka.

PUCSL Regional Office, Jaffna:

  • Phone: +94212222333
  • Email:
  • Address: Regional Office, Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka, No. 2/1, 2nd Floor, KKS Road, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

Include all relevant information and any previous correspondence with LECO in your complaint to PUCSL.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Note: If your complaint remains unresolved after approaching PUCSL, you can escalate it further to the Minister of Power and Energy.

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