If you have any complaints about financial cyber frauds or scams including online cybercrime, file your complaint with the cyber police of your local police station or dial the toll-free helpline number 1930 or use the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal of the government of India.
Note: Must file your financial cyber fraud complaint by calling at 1930 instantly or within 12 to 24 hours to protect your money from being stolen.
You can complain about any unlawful act where a computer or communication device or computer network is used to commit or facilitate the commission of the crime, such as unlawful content, debit/credit card fraud, impersonation and identity theft, threatening or harassing, child sexually abusive material (CSAM), kidnapping, and cyber attacks on organizations for data breaches or hacking the system.
If your lodged complaints are not addressed as per your expectations or are delayed or ignored by the designated officers, contact the Nodal Officer or Grievance Officer of the Cyber Cell of your state police by calling at the provided phone number or sending an email with the reference number of the unresolved case.
Contact Nodal Officers of State Cyber Cell:
State/UT’s |
Rank |
Contact Number |
Email |
Andaman & Nicobar |
8900910411 |
spcid.and@nic.in, digpint-anp@gov.in |
Andhra Pradesh |
Addl. Superintendent of Police |
8331043255 |
addlspncrp_cid@appolice.gov.in, cybercrimes-cid@ap.gov.in |
Arunachal Pradesh |
S.P (Crime & SIT) |
9436040703 |
spsit@arupol.nic.in, takeringu@ips.gov.in |
Assam |
03612521618 |
digp-cid@assampolice.gov.in, igp-cid@assampolice.gov.in |
Bihar |
SP |
06122238098 |
cybercell-bih@nic.in, cybercell-bih@nic.in |
Chandigarh |
01722749900 |
dspccic.chd@nic.in, dig-chd@nic.in |
Chhattisgarh |
9479191785 |
aigtech-phq.cg@gov.in, cybercell-phq.cg@gov.in |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu |
SP |
02602220140 |
phq-dd@nic.in, digp-daman-dd@nic.in |
Delhi |
01120892633 |
ncrp.delhi@delhipolice.gov.in, addlcp.cybertech@delhipolice.gov.in |
Goa |
SP, Cyber Crime, |
08322420883 |
spcyber@goapolice.gov.in, digpgoa@goapolice.gov.in |
Gujarat |
SP |
07923250798 |
cc-cid@gujarat.gov.in, cc-cid@gujarat.gov.in |
Haryana |
SP, Cyber |
01722524058 |
dspscbggn@gmail.com, sp-cybercrimephq.pol@hry.gov.in |
Himachal Pradesh |
01772620331 |
dig-cybercr-hp@nic.in, adgp-cid-hp@nic.in |
Jammu & Kashmir |
Spl. DGP |
019125822926 |
igcrime-jk@nic.in, adgpcidjk@jkpolice.gov.in |
Jharkhand |
S.P. Cyber Crime, CID |
06512220060 |
cyberps@jhpolice.gov.in, cyberps@jhpolice.gov.in |
Karnataka |
S.P, CT&R, CID |
08022942475 |
spctrcid@ksp.gov.in, digpnc@ksp.gov.in |
Kerala |
Superintendent of Police |
04712300042 |
spcyberops.pol@kerala.gov.in, adgpcyberops.pol@kerala.gov.in |
Ladakh |
SP IT PHQ Ladakh |
9541902324 |
itsec-phq@police.ladakh.gov.in, aig-civl@police.ladakh.gov.in |
Lakshadweep |
DSP (HQ) |
04896262258 |
cctns-lk@nic.in, lak-sop@nic.in |
Madhya Pradesh |
DIG Cyber |
07552770248 |
mpcyberpolice@mppolice.gov.in, adg-cybercell@mppolice.gov.in |
Maharashtra |
Special IGP |
02222160080 |
ig.cbr-mah@gov.in, sp.cbr-mah@gov.in |
Manipur |
Superintendent of Police |
03852444888 |
sp-cybercrime.mn@manipur.gov.in, grievance.ncrp@gmail.com |
Meghalaya |
9485115118 |
ccw-meg@gov.in, sspcid-meg@gov.in |
Mizoram |
03892334682 |
cidcrime-mz@nic.in, polmizo@rediffmail.com |
Nagaland |
6009308003 |
igpcrime-ngl@nic.in, adgplo.ngl@gov.in |
Odisha |
06742913100 |
igp2-cidcb@odishapolice.gov.in, adgcidcb.orpol@nic.in |
Puducherry |
SSP(Traffic) |
04132231313 |
sssptraffic@py.gov.in, igp@py.gov.in |
Punjab |
Superintendent of Police |
01722226258 |
aigcc@punjabpolice.gov.in, igp.cyber.c.police@punjabpolice.gov.in |
Rajasthan |
Superintendent of Police |
01412821741 |
sp.cybercrime@rajpolice.gov.in, sp.cybercrime@rajpolice.gov.in |
Sikkim |
8695622134 |
spcid@sikkimpolice.nic.in, cybercrime666sk@gmail.com |
Tamil Nadu |
Superintendent of Police |
04429580300 |
sp2cwc@gmail.com, sp1-ccdtnpolice@gov.in |
Telangana |
SP, Cyber Crimes, TSCSB |
04029320049 |
spoperations-csb-ts@tspolice.gov.in, director-tscsb@tspolice.gov.in |
Tripura |
Superintendent of Police |
03812376979 |
spcybercrime@tripurapolice.nic.in, spscrb@tripurapolice.nic.in |
Uttarakhand |
01352655900 |
spstf-uk@nic.in, spstf-uk@nic.in |
Uttar Pradesh |
SP |
05222390538 |
sp-cyber.lu@up.gov.in, adg-cybercrime.lu@up.gov.in |
West Bengal |
DIG Cyber |
03369061000 |
ccpwb@cidwestbengal.gov.in, ig2@cidwestbengal.gov.in |
Further, you may visit the local police station or DGP office of your state police to raise your concerns.
Still, have questions? Ask by replying to us. We will help you.
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