If you have complaints related to Nagar Nigams (municipal corporations), Nagar Palikas/Parishad, and Nagar Panchayats including issues related to way/road cutting/road digging, trade License (for shops, hotels, restaurants, etc.), certificate services (income, certificates, domicile etc.), property tax payment, land property registration, and other municipality services, lodge your grievance to these urban local bodies through e-NagarSewa of the government of Uttarakhand.
You can use the following steps and provided helplines & contact details to make your civic complaints with the respective local body.
Steps to file an online complaint:
- Visit the E-Nagarsewa portal (enagarsewa.uk.gov.in) or “e-service portal (eservices.uk.gov.in).”
- Log in to your account from the citizen section or register yourself by clicking “Signup here”.
- After successfully logging in, locate and select the “Online Complaint Registration” option to open the online complaint form.
- Fill out the required details in the form including:
- Name and Mobile Number
- Name of Nagar Nigam/Nagarpalika/Panchayat
- Subject of the complaint
- Address with Zone, Ward, and Location
- Detailed description of the issue, supported by relevant documents (if available).
- Submit the form.
Finally, note the reference/acknowledgement number for tracking. For technical issues while lodging your complaint, email jdtech-itda@uk.gov.in including a screenshot of the issue.
You can also call at the toll-free citizen helpline number 1905 or email to e-helpdesk@uk.gov.in to file your complaint about the municipal corporation or Nagar panchayats in Uttarakhand.
To seek information from respective departments or urban local bodies, you should file an RTI (Right to Information) request with the respective civic body or Urban Development Department.
If not resolved by designated officers, you may escalate the grievance to higher authorities. The levels of escalations are:
- Head of Department/Deputy Municipal Commissioner or Municipal Commissioner/Chairman.
- Public Grievance Authority (Secretary), Department of Urban Development, Government of Uttarakhand.
- Uttarakhand Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) through the CM Helpline.
Note: If the grievance is still not resolved by municipalities or urban local bodies, you can escalate by lodging an online public grievance to the Appellate Authority in the Public Grievance Directorate of the Department of Local Urban Bodies (Urban Development) through the “UK CM Helpline – Public Grievance System” of the Uttarakhand Government or calling at 1905.
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