How to file civic complaints to Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation?

Step-by-step guide on how to file civic complaints to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) along with escalation options:

Filing a Complaint

Step 1: Colect Information

  • Identify the department responsible for your complaint. Here’s a list of some common departments:
    • Solid Waste Management (SWM) Department
    • Drainage and Sewerage Operations Department
    • Water Control and Reservoir Management
    • Storm Water Drainage (SWD) Department
    • Building & Factories, and Garden & Trees Department
    • Property Tax & Revenue Department
    • Floods and Disaster Management Department
  • Note down the specifics of your complaint, including location and any dates involved.
  • Collect any supporting evidence like photos or videos if possible.

Step 2: Choose Your Filing Method

There are four ways to file a complaint with BMC:

1. Online:

  1. Visit the BMC portal:
  2. From “For Citizens” in the menu, click on “Complaint Registration”
  3. Fill out the online form with your details, complaint category, location and description. Attach supporting documents if available.
  4. Submit the form and note down the unique complaint ID for reference.

By Helpline Number:

  1. Dial the BMC Citizen helpline number: 1916; +918999228999 (WhatsApp)
  2. Register your complaint with the call center representative.

To report issues related to garbage or cleanliness, call +912224935687 or email to

Note: Get the phone numbers of the ward control rooms here: Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

In Person:

  1. Visit the nearest Citizen Facilitation Center (CFC) in your ward.
  2. Meet a BMC representative at the headquarters of the municipal corporation and register your complaint.

By Email:

  1. Identify the department email address for your complaint
  2. Send an email with your complaint details, location and any evidence.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Tips: To get emails of designated officials, visit here:

Step 3: Track and Escalate

  • You can track the status of your complaint online using the unique ID you received during filing.
  • If your complaint is not addressed within a reasonable timeframe, escalate it to the next level.

Escalation Levels:

Level 1:

If you are not satisfied with the initial response, you can escalate your complaint to the Zonal Municipal Commissioner of your zone.

  • You can find the contact details for your zone’s control room in the provided contact page.

Level 2:

If the Zonal Commissioner doesn’t resolve the issue, you can escalate it to the Municipal Commissioner of BMC.

You can contact them by writing a letter to the Municipal Commissioner’s Office at the address provided or emailing them at:

  • Address: Municipal Commissioner’s Office, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, Head Quarter, Mahanagarpalika Marg, Mumbai 400001.
  • Email:

Level 3:

If you’re still not satisfied, you can file a public grievance with the Appellate Officer of the Urban Development Department of the Maharashtra Government through the state grievance redressal portal.


  • Keep a copy of your complaint and any acknowledgement received from BMC for your records.
  • Provide clear and concise information regarding the public or civil service grievance to ensure a faster resolution.

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