My TV’s entraq bike engine siza pls help 2900 kilometres running bed baik replace the baik starting tha problem tha baik return tha sworoom bed baik replace me pls sworoom not working properly not responding resolved by the my baik
Dear @My_Love
Since your bike has only run 2900 kilometres, we recommend registering a formal complaint with TVS customer service. You can call at 18002587555 or 18002587111. Explain the starting problem and the lack of response from the showroom. Because the engine is usually covered under warranty, you should request a replacement engine.
You can also email TVS at If no action has been taken, you may escalate the case to the regional office:
If TVS customer service doesn’t resolve the issue satisfactorily, you can escalate the matter by lodging an online consumer complaint with the National Consumer Helpline (NCH).