What are the Customer Support Number of Xiaomi (MI) in Asian Countries?

If you have complaints about smartphones, laptops, home appliances, or other accessories or devices of Mi in any Asian country listed below, call these customer support numbers provided by Xiaomi to report an issue.

Additionally, you can also submit your complaints or get help from the Mi email support.

Mi Customer Care:

Country Customer Service Number
Hong Kong 3077-3620
India 1800-103-6286
Indonesia 00180300650029 (Toll-free) / 021-5096-0328 (Charged)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 800-120-2002
Malaysia 1800-18-0112
Pakistan 0800-942664
Philippines 1-800-1312-0048 (PLDT) / 1-800-8386-5529 (Global)
Singapore 800-852-8474
Taiwan 02-77255376
Thailand 1800-014-171
Turkey 0-800-621-22-26
Uzbekistan +998-71-205-5785
Vietnam 1800-400-410

For Xiaomi global services, email your concerns to support.global@support.mi.com.

If you want to request to repair your device under the warranty period, visit the official website of Xiaomi, open the support page, click to book an appointment in the service center, and provide the required details.

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