Where can I file flights complaints about Air China?

To file a flight complaint about Air China including issues related to passenger flight booking (cancellation, refund, online payments, etc.), lost/damaged baggage/items, carriage, and other airline services, you can use the following contact details and steps:

Air China Customer Support:

Customer Service Number

Country Hotline
China 008695583, 00861095583 (24/7)
North America +18008828122 (06:00 - 21:00, Mon-Fri)
Europe +80086100999 (Chinese, English, German service)
Japan 0570095583 (09:00 - 18:00, daily)
Korea 00180086100999 (09:00 - 18:00, daily)
Australia 001800860999 (10:30 - 20:00, daily)
Singapore +80086100999 (08:30 - 18:00, daily)
Hong Kong 00680086100999 / (852)39709000 (08:30 - 18:00, Mon-Sun)
India 0008000501566 (08:30 - 18:00, daily)

Email Contacts:

Country Email
Europe ca-europe@airchina.com
France airchinaparis@airchina-fr.com
Italy rome@airchina.it
Spain comercial@airchina.es
Russia mowticketing@airchina.com

Steps to File a Complaint Online:

Finally, note down the reference number to track the status. If not resolved, you may escalate the flight complaints to the headquarters of Air China or its regional office.

Approach the Consumer Forum:

If your previously lodged complaint is not resolved by Air China, you can file a consumer complaint to the Consumer Protection Authority Forum in your country. Provide all relevant details and documentation related to your complaint with the forum.

In India, you can lodge a flight complaint against the airlines to the AirSewa Nodal Officer.

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