Complaint against ola bike rider


I am Manish Tripathi from indrapuram Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.

Today I booked a auto at 10:09 Am and after booked the drive I called him and he said that he was arriving at my location in 5 minutes.

Then I called him again after 5 minutes so he said that I have arrived on location so I started telling the Landmark but instead of listening he yelled on me saying ’ come downstairs ’ , (without knowing that whether I lived on any floor or ground floor).

So I told him to speak properly, I’m just trying to help you to reach at the nearest Landmark so I could save my time, as I was getting too late for my office.

Then again I call him but he didn’t answer my call and canceled the ride immediately.

His behavior was worst towards me as he don’t even receive my call and inform that he can’t wait at least 1 minute.

I want to inform that I’m a lawyer by profession and I’m not going to tolerate his act towards me and I want to talk to him as well and want by company side a strictest action against him as soon as possible else I’ll file a suit against the company, the owner of that cab.

I’m sharing the screen shot of the driver’s name & the cab number.


Dear @manishtripathi

If you experienced bad behaviour from an Ola bike rider, you can complain to Ola Cabs through:

For further information on filing complaints with Ola cabs and its grievance officer, read: How can you file complaints about Ola cabs?

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