How can I complain about booking services of

If you have complaints about booking services of such as online travel bookings (hotels, lodging, accommodation, villa, resort, apartment, cottage, houseboats, etc.), cancellations, refunds & charges, loyalty/rewards, property listing, and other travel package issues, follow these steps and use the provided contact details to lodge your complaints with customer executives:

Contact Customer Support

Your first point of contact should always be customer service. They might be able to resolve your issue immediately. Here’s how to reach them:

  • Customer Service Number: From the help center of, select the type of issue and click “Get in touch” to open the enquiry form. Provide a mobile number, Itinerary number (booking ID), and type of issue to know the available contact option and customer care number.

  • Live Chat: You can also live chat with the customer support team on various issues, including refunds, changes, or cancellations by clicking the “Help” option at the help center or mobile app.

:person_tipping_hand:t5: Note: In India, you can call the toll-free number 1860-500-4141 or +911244873878 (international) to talk with executives.

Steps to file an online complaint:

  • Visit the website.
  • Navigate to the “Help Center” by clicking the “Support” option from the menu.
  • Log in to your account and locate the specific booking you want to complain about.
  • Select the category of issue.
  • Click “Get in touch” or “contact us” option.
  • Choose the option to chat with the agent or click the “Help” button to start a chat.
  • Describe your issue in the online complaint form, providing all relevant information, such as booking confirmation number, dates of stay, and any supporting documentation.
  • Submit your complaint.

Finally, note down the reference/ticket ID to track status.

Escalate to Service Head:

If your issue remains unresolved after contacting customer support, consider escalating the executive customer service head of by requesting the customer support team.

Finally, if you believe your consumer rights have been violated, file a consumer complaint with relevant consumer protection agencies in your country or use a third-party dispute resolution service if available in your region.

:person_tipping_hand:t5: Tips: In India, you can lodge your consumer complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) and in USA, you may approach the Bureau of Consumer Affairs at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Still, have questions? :thinking: Ask by replying to us. :point_down:t5: We will help you.

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