Where to file booking complaints of Airbnb?

If you have a booking complaint with Airbnb such as accommodation booking (holiday homes, short-term rental apartments, and homestay experiences), quality of stays/hotels, cancellation, payment/refund, or insurance covers (if sold by Airbnb)., you can follow these steps to raise your concerns:

Contact Airbnb Support

  • Visit Airbnb’s website: Airbnb Support
  • Login or Sign Up to make your complaint
  • Select the booking ID or enter the ID
  • Select the type of complaint or issue.
  • Provide your booking ID, a summary of the issue, and any relevant documents in the online complaint form.
  • Submit the form.

After successful submission, note down the reference/ticket ID to track the status. You can use it to escalate unresolved complaints to senior customer service executives.

Visit the ‘Resolution Centre’ to request a refund or extra services from Airbnb.

Escalate to Grievance Officer

If unresolved, escalate to the Grievance Officer at Airbnb’s head office in your country. In your grievance form, provide your booking ID, previous complaint reference, and a detailed description of the issue.

Contact details of the grievance office in India:

In the EU, you can submit an online complaint form to resolve consumer disputes with Airbnb. If not resolved, contact the International Disputes Resolution Centre, UK at:

  • Address: Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, International Dispute Resolution Centre, P2B Panel of Mediators, 70 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1EU, United Kingdom.
  • Online: https://www.cedr.com/p2bmediation/

You can also write to Airbnb at:

  • Email: terms@airbnb.com
  • Address: Director, Airbnb Ireland UC, Private Unlimited Company 8 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, D02 DP23, Ireland.

Approach Consumer Forum

As a last resort, you can approach the National Consumer Protection Forum of your country. In India, you can lodge a consumer complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH).

Submit all relevant documents, and details of the disputed amount, and ask for compensation if applicable.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Note: For more information, you may visit the Airbnb website or contact their community support team.

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