How can I file booking complaints of Agoda?

If you have complaints about problems with your Agoda bookings such as hotels, accommodations, travel flights, rooms, resorts, or hospitality properties, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to escalate your complaint:

Contact Agoda Customer Support

  1. Online Chat Support: The quickest way to reach Agoda to file your complaints online is through chat support, available on their website and mobile app.

  2. Email: If you prefer email, you can contact customer support at Include your booking ID and a description of the issue.

  3. Customer Care Number: Call Agoda’s customer service line specific to your region (see table below for numbers). Have your booking ID ready.

Agoda Customer Service phone numbers for flights booking & travel insurance (Select Countries):

Country Phone Number
Australia +61-2-8066-2868
Brazil +55-11-4280-5290
Canada +1-416-216-4151
France +33-1-8514-8161
India +91-800-050-1620
Japan +81-3-5767-9333
New Zealand +64-9-339-1656
Singapore +65-6329-7537
South Africa +27-11-844-6064
Spain +34-917-547-020
Thailand +66-2-016-4106
United Arab Emirates 8000-330-5203
United Kingdom (UK) +44-20-3027-7900
United States (USA) +1-866-656-8207

if your complaints are not resolved, request the support team to escalate the case to a senior executive.

Escalate to Agoda Grievance Officer

If you are not satisfied with the initial response from customer service, you can escalate your complaint to Agoda’s Grievance Officer. Contact Agoda customer service to obtain the email address or contact details for the Grievance Officer in your country.

  • Address: Agoda Company Pte. Ltd., 30 Cecil Street, Prudential Tower #19-08, Singapore 049712.

Approach Consumer Protection Agencies

If your issue remains unresolved even after escalating to the Grievance Officer, you can consider filing a formal complaint against Agoda with the relevant consumer protection agency in your country:

For other countries, know your “National Consumer Protection Authority”.

Remember to provide all relevant booking details, communication history, and any supporting documentation to strengthen your case.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Tips:

  • Always keep copies of emails, chat transcripts, and reference numbers for future reference.
  • Mention your issue and what resolution you seek.
  • Read Agoda’s terms and conditions before booking a flight or accommodation and know your local consumer protection laws.

Still, have questions? :thinking: Ask by replying to us. :point_down:t5: We will help you.