How can I file a complaint about DoorDash?

To file complaints about online food delivery services of DoorDash including issues related to the quality of food, delayed delivery, delivery person behaviour, cancellation/refund, Dasher (customer behaviour, earning and payment settlement dispute), merchant (food item listing, orders management, payments, etc.), and other technical issues, you can follow these steps and use the provided contact details:

DoorDash Customer Support:

  • Customer Service Number: Call at DoorDash’s hotline at 8554310459 to raise your food delivery concerns. Merchants can call at 8552228111 or 6479577219 (Canada).
  • In-App Support: From chat support, start a conversation with an agent selecting your order.

If any merchant or partner wants to contact the sales team, dial 8555545779 or visit the merchant support section of the DoorDash portal.

Steps to file an online complaint:

  • Visit the DoorDash website (
  • Navigate to “Help Center” to open the DoorDash Support page.
  • Choose whether you are a customer, merchant, or dasher.
  • If you are a customer, select “Customer Support” option.
  • Select the type of issue and login to your account to open the online complaint form.
  • Fill out the form by providing all necessary details about your complaint, including your food order details and a detailed description of the issue.
  • You can also chat with an agent.
  • Submit the form.

Finally, you will receive a confirmation email with a reference number. You can also track the status of your complaint by re-visiting the previously open chat message. If your issue is not resolved through the standard support channels, you can escalate it to the senior manager.

Approach the Consumer Forum

If your complaint is still unresolved, you can approach your local state consumer protection authority. You can also lodge an online consumer complaint to the state Bureau of Consumer Protection Affairs of FTC with all relevant documents, including emails, receipts, and communication with DoorDash.

Further, you may take legal action by appealing before the Small Claims Court. Before this, try to resolve the disputes with DoorDash with an internal arbitration mechanism.

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