If you have complaints about citizen services, government offices (municipal corporation, Nagar Palika/Parishad, gram panchayats, police, etc.), departments, and ministries of Madhya Pradesh, lodge an online public grievance to the Appellate Authority of respective departments through “MP CM Helpline (Jan Hetu – Jan Setu) - Public Grievance System” portal of the government of Madhya Pradesh.
You can complain about government schemes, demand for new civic services (hospitals, schools/colleges, drainage/bridges, roads, etc.), corrupt practices or misuse of power by public officials/employees, and other disputes (registry of land records, public transportation, agriculture schemes/subsidy, food supply, ration, etc.).
Note: To register your complaint, you can call at the toll-free MP CM helpline number 181 or email cmhelpline@mp.gov.in. You can also message the CM Helpline on WhatsApp at +917552555582. Other helplines where you can give missed calls are +917552706666 (tree plantation) or +917552599999 (clean toilet – TCMS).
Steps to file an online complaint:
- Visit the MP CM Helpline website (cmhelpline.mp.gov.in).
- Click “Submit Complaint/Demand Suggestion” option.
- Enter your mobile number to create an account or log in if you already have one.
- Read and accept the disclaimer and proceed after understanding the terms.
- Open the online complaint form and select the “Complaint” or “Demand and Suggestion” option.
- Fill out the form with all required details including:
- Provide your personal details (name, mobile number, address).
- Specify the department/ministry and sub-department involved.
- Describe the nature of your complaint in detail.
- Mention the district, village/city, and local government office (if relevant).
- Attach any supporting documents (PDF or images).
- Submit the form.
Finally, note down the reference number to track the status. You may email the Public Service Management Department (PSMD) for technical issues at lokseva001@gmail.com.
If your grievances are not resolved to your satisfaction, escalate it by re-submitting an online grievance to appeal to higher authorities with the reference number of the case. The levels of escalations are:
- First Appeal Officer
- Second Appeal Officer
- Chief Minister’s Office (CMO)
For information requests, file an online RTI with the relevant department or ministry.
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