How to contact Range Inspector General of Police (IGP) of Assam Police?

If your police complaints, cases, or citizen service grievances lodged at the district SP headquarters remain unresolved within the stipulated timeframe, you can escalate the matter to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) at the respective Range Office of the Assam Police.

For evidence of communication, include the acknowledgement number or case/FIR ID of your previously submitted complaints as a reference point.

Additionally, you may file a police complaint or e-FIR online to Assam Police through citizen portal (CCTNS).

You can contact range IGP by calling at the provided phone number or sending an email.

Contact Range IGP:

Range Phone Number Email
IGP, Range +913842263911
DIGP(SR), Silchar +913842263911
IGP(CR), Nagaon +913671272962
DIGP (CWR), Guwahati +913612523674
DIGP (CWR), Guwahati +913612523674
DIGP(NR), Tezpur +913712230854
IGP (WR) +913664237888
IGP (NER), Tinsukia +919435027744

Further, you can escalate the case to the Director General of Police (DGP) at state police headquarters.

:person_tipping_hand:t5: Note: If your complaints regarding citizen services or police functioning, including matters related to corruption, misuse of power, and harassment, are not satisfactorily addressed, you can file an online grievance to the Appellate Officer for the Assam Police under the Department of Home Affairs through the “Assam CM Grievance Redressal System (PGRS)” of the Government of Assam.

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