Where to file bus complaints of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)?

To file a complaint about bus services with the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), you can follow these steps and use the contact details provided:

DTC Helplines:

  • Helpline Number: Call the toll-free number 1800118181 or +911141400400.

  • Central Control Room: For complaints or suggestions related to DTC bus operations, you can contact the Central Control Room at I.P. Depot via calling the helpline numbers: +911123370373, +911123370374, or +9187440732481.

  • Pollution Control Cell: For pollution-related complaints, reach out to the Pollution Control Cell by calling at +91-11-26811528 (Extension No. 220)

  • Email: You can send your complaints or suggestions via email to dtcpc.delhi@nic.in or ccc@dtc.nic.in.

You can also write a complaint letter to head office:

  • Address: Delhi Transport Corporation (HQ), Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, I.P. Estate: New Delhi-110002.

:motorway: Note: For road safety concerns, contact the Road Safety Cell by using the phone number +91-8744073266 or sending an email to dcgm-rsc@dtc.nic.in, dtcroadsafetycell@gmail.com

Lost Property Helplines:

If you have lost any belongings on a DTC bus, contact the Central Lost Property Section (call the helpline number +911123752769) at Scindia House or the respective regional lost property sections:

Region Depot Name Contact Number(s) Email
South Kalkaji Depot +91-11-26384939 rmsouth@dtc.nic.in
East Hasan Pur Depot +91-11-22239141, +91-11-22235416 rmeast@dtc.nic.in
West Shadipur Depot +91-11-25875711 rmwest@dtc.nic.in
North Banda Bahadur Marg Depot +91-11-276541461 rmnorth@dtc.nic.in

Steps to Filing a Complaint Online:

  • Visit the official DTC website (https://dtc.delhi.gov.in/) or the complaint section directly.
  • Provide detailed information about the incident, including the bus route, time, and nature of the complaint.
  • Submit your contact details along with the complaint for further communication.

Escalation to Higher Officials:

If your complaint is not addressed satisfactorily, you can escalate it to higher officials in DTC. You can find the contact details of DTC’s higher officials, including the Secretary and Legal Department, on their directory page. It is advisable to provide all previous correspondence and details of the complaint when escalating the issue.

If still not resolved, you can lodge a public grievance through the PGMS portal of the government of NCT of Delhi.

Please note that the above information is based on the latest available data and may be subject to change. It is always recommended to visit the official DTC website for recent updates.

For complaints regarding bus stop facilities, contact the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD).

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