Where to file electricity complaints of Cemig Distribuição SA (Cemig D)?

To file power complaints of Cemig Distribuição SA (Cemig D) in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, you can follow these steps and use hotlines & contact details to make your complaints about electricity services:

Cemig D Customer Service:

  • Customer Care Number: For immediate assistance, call the Cemig Electric toll-free number 116. For other states, use 8007210116. Hearing-impaired customers can dial 8007238007.
  • WhatsApp: Send a message to +553135061160 for support.
  • SMS: Send a message"I have no power" to 29810

For complaints related to New Connection (Medium Voltage), call 8007277520 and dial 08007217003 to get help regarding Debt Installment of consumer units.

If not resolved, escalate your complaints to higher authorities by emailing conselhodeconsumidores@cemig.com.br to the Consumer Council of Cemig with reference ID of the previous complaint.

Online Complaint:

  • Visit the official website of Cemig D: https://www.cemig.com.br/
  • Click the “Cemig Attende” option
  • Login or register your account
  • Click “Register a complaint”
  • Fill out the online complaint form.
  • Submit the form.

Finally, note down the reference/acknowledgement ID to track status. You can also register your complaint through the Cemig Atende App or by using the online grievance redressal form.

Escalation to Electricity Ombudsman:

If your issue is not resolved by Ceming to your satisfaction, escalate it to the Electricity Ombudsman, MG. You can file your complaint online or submit a written complaint at the head office of the ombudsman.

Contact details of the Ombudsman Office are:

  • Phone Number: 08007283838
  • Address: Attn: Ombudsman – Avenida Barbacena, n.º 1200 – Bairro Santo Agostinho – Belo Horizonte – MG – CEP 30190-131.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: Tips: Provide all necessary details such as service provider number, location, and issue reference when filing a complaint. Keep track of your service protocol or reference number.

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