Where to file electricity complaints of Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation Ltd (CESC)?

If you have complaints about the electricity services of Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation Ltd (CESC), Mysore in districts of Mysore, Chamarajanagar, Mandya, Hassan, and Madakeri, follow these steps and use the provided helplines & contact details to make your electricity complaint to Mysore Electricity Board:

CESC Helplines:

  • Helpline Numbers: Call the toll-free helplines 1912, 1902, or +918212461030 for immediate assistance in case of emergency (no power supply)
  • Customer Care Numbers: Call to +919448499964, or +918212342707 to report electricity theft
  • Send SMS: Type ‘CESC’ to 56263, +919220592205
  • Email: cccd@cescmysore.org

Steps to File a Complaint Online:

  • Visit the CESC Consumer Portal: https://cescmysore.karnataka.gov.in/
  • From “Services and Schemes”, click the “Customer Care Center (CCC)” option.
  • Click “Lodge the complaint” to open the online complaint form.
  • Provide your CESC Customer ID, complaint category, location (if applicable), and a detailed description.
  • Attach supporting documents like bill copies or photographs.
  • Review your complaint and submit the form.

Finally, note down the reference/docket ID to track the status. For consumer services, visit the CESC Mysore portal.

If not resolved, escalate your complaint to the Assistant Executive Engineer (AE) of the Public Grievance Redressal Cell (PGRC) at your nearest sub-divisional or divisional offices of the electricity board.

Escalation to Consumer Forum (CGRF):

If your issue is not resolved by the customer support center or local/sub-divisional offices within the specified time, escalate it to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF). To lodge your grievance with CGRF, you can download the provided complaint form or write an application on plain paper including the consumer name, connection number, contact details, reference number, description of the issue and the resolution sought.

You can send this grievance form to the Forum at the zonal/circle offices of the Mysore Electricity Board. The contact details of the forum are:

CGRF Forum Address
Mysore Superintending Engineer (El), CGRF Forum, O&M Circle, Jodi Basaveshwara Road, Mysore – 570001
Chamarajanagar Superintending Engineer (El), CGRF Forum, O&M Circle, CESC, Chamarajanagar-Kodagu-571313
Kodagu Superintending Engineer (El), CGRF Forum, O&M Circle, CESC, Chamarajanagar-Kodagu-571201
Mandya Superintending Engineer (El), O&M Circle, Mandya-571401
Hassan Superintending Engineer (El), CGRF Forum, O&M Hassan Circle, Hassan- 573201

Approaching the Electricity Ombudsman:

If unsatisfied with the CGRF’s final decision or if the grievance is unresolved within 30 days, file an appeal with the Electricity Ombudsman of Karnataka. You must file your complaint within 30 days after receiving the CGRF’s decision or after the resolution period has expired.

Remember to keep a record of all communications for reference.

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