Where to file electricity complaints of Hubali Electricity Board (HESCOM)?

If you are a customer of Hubli Electricity Supply Company Ltd (HESCOM) and have complaints about electricity services in districts of Dharwad, Gadag, Bijapur, Bagalkot, Uttara Kannada, Haveri, and Belgaum, follow thhis guide and use helplines & contact details to file your electricity complaint with the Hubali Electricity Board:

HESCOM Electricity Helplines:

  • Helpline Numbers: Contact HESCOM’s toll-free helplines 1912, 1902, or 18004254754 for immediate assistance in case of emergency (no power supply).
  • WhatsApp: Mesage on +919480883899.
  • Email: Send your concerns via email to customercare@hescom.co.in.

File a Complaint Online:

  • Visit the HESCOM consumer portal: https://hescom.karnataka.gov.in/
  • Select “Consumer” or “Services & Schemes” section from the menu.
  • Click “Register a complaint” or “Customer Care Center (CCC)
  • Open the online complaint form.
  • Provide your Consumer/Connection Number, the nature of the complaint, location (if applicable), and a detailed description along with any supporting documents.
  • Submit the form.

Finally, note down the reference/ticket ID to track status.

If not resolved, escalate the complaint to the Public Grievance Redressal Cell (PGRC) at your nearest divisional office of the electricity board.

Escalation to Consumer Forum (CGRF):

If your previously lodged complaints are not resolved by customer care center, local power station, or sub-divisional offices within the designated timeframe, escalate it to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of HESCOM at the Zonal/Circle Offices.

You can write a grievance letter or download the provided grievance form and submit it to the CGRF forum by post, email, or visiting in person at the zonal/circle office. Contact details of the Forums are:

Approaching the Electricity Ombudsman:

If the CGRF’s resolution is unsatisfactory, you may appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman of Karnataka within 30 days of receiving the CGRF’s decision or after the period for the Forum to resolve the issue has expired.

Remember to include all necessary details and documents when filing your complaint to the ombudsman. Also, no fee is required for representative and don’t need a lawyer.

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