Where to complain about Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB)?

If you are a customer of Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB) and have complaints about electricity services in all districts including Bilaspur, Chamba, Hamirpur, Kangra, Kinnaur, Kullu, Lahaul and Spiti, Mandi, Shimla, Sirmaur, Solan, and Una, you can use the following contact details and steps to file your complaints to the electricity board:

Helpline Numbers:

Steps to file an online complaint:

  • Visit the HPSEB website: https://www.hpseb.in/
  • Click “Register your complaint” option
  • Click “Register a complaint” to open the online complaint form
  • Fill in the required details such as your name, address, account number, and the nature of the complaint.
  • Submit the form.

Finally, note down the complaint reference number for future correspondence. For consumer services, use the HPSEB consumer portal.

If not resolved, escalate your complaints to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) at your nearest divisional or sub-divisional offices of the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Board.

Escalation to CGRF:

If your complaint is not resolved satisfactorily by the customer care center and IGR cell at sub-divisional or divisional offices, you can escalate it to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of HPSEB by contacting them with the details of your initial complaint and the response received.

You can write a grievance letter or use the provided grievance form to submit your grievance with CGRF Forumn a zonal office. The contact details are:

  • Email: cgrf@hbseb.in
  • Address: Forum For Redressal of Consumer Grievances, HPSEBL, Block Number – 8, Top Floor, SDA Complex Kasumpati, Shimla – 171009.

Approaching the Electricity Ombudsman:

If your lodged grievance is still not resolved by CGRF, you can approach the Electricity Ombudsman of Himachal Pradesh with your unresolved grievances for an impartial review. You will have to submit your complaint within 30 days of the final response from the CGRF.

Remember to provide all necessary documentation and evidence when filing your complaint.

Still, have questions? :thinking: Ask by replying to us. :point_down:t5: We will help you to resolve it.