Where to file electricity complaints of CESC Limited in Kolkata and Howrah?

To file electricity complaints of CESC Limited in regions of Kolkata and Howrah, follow these steps and use the provided helplines & contact details to make your complaints about electricity services such as no power supply, billing disputes, service line issues, or new connection:

CESC - Kolkata Electricity Helplines:

  • Helpline Number: Call the toll-free numbers at 1912 or 18605001912 to report no power supply or an emergency
  • Customer Care Number: Dial 03335011912 or 03344031912 for LT services and 03322259156 / 03322259157 for HT services to contact the customer service centers.
  • WhatsApp: Message on +917439001912
  • SMS: Send a message to report a power outage by typing “CESC<space><Consumer Number>” to 56070
  • Email: Send an email detailing your complaint to cesclimited@rpsg.in

If not resolved, you may contact your nearest local power station or the designated officer of the sub-divisional office to report your concerns.

Steps to file an online complaint:

  • Visit the CESC Limited online portal: https://www.cesc.co.in/
  • Click "Complaints & Requests’ to open the online complaint form. You can also click “Report Suppy Off” for power outage
  • Fill out the form with the required details, including your consumer number and the nature of the complaint.
  • Submit the form.

Finally, note down the reference or docket number provided to track the status of your complaint. You can also pay your electricity bill online by clicking the “Quick Bill Pay” option or apply for a new connection.

Escalation to Consumer Forum (CGRF):

If your complaint is not resolved within the stipulated time or you are unsatisfied with the response of the customer service center and sub-divisional offices, escalate the matter to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of CESC Limited.

You can download the provided grievance form or write a complaint letter including acknowledgement/reference ID of the unresolved complaint and expected resolution from the forum. Then, send it to the CGRF Forum at the regional or head office of the electricity board.

Contact details of the Forums are:

1. For LT Customers:

GRO Office, Kolkata Phone Number Email
North 03325096100 gro.nro@rpsg.in
North Suburban 03366454300 gro.nsro@rpsg.in
Howrah 03326765700 gro.hro@rpsg.in
South 03324856100 gro.sro@rpsg.in
South West 03324205000 gro.swro@rpsg.in
Central 03322256040 gro.cro@rpsg.in

2. For HT Customers:

3. Central Grievance Redressal Officer:

  • Phone Number: 03322256040
  • Email: cgro1@rpsg.in, cgro2@rpsg.in
  • Address: Central Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, CESC House, Chowringhee Square, Kolkata-700001.

Approach the Electricity Ombudsman:

In case the CGRF does not redress your grievance within the resolution period (usually 45 days) or you are dissatisfied with their final order, you can approach the Electricity Ombudsman of West Bengal within 30 days of the final response or expiry of the resolution period.

If you are not satisfied with the final order of the Electricity Ombudsman, you may approach the High Court of the West Bengal State. For commercial/licensee disputes you may appeal to the West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC) or the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity.

Still, have a question? :thinking: Ask by replying to us. :point_down:t5: We will help you to resolve it.

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