Where to file complaints about JioCinema?

If you have complaints about content (certain shows or movies to be offensive, inappropriate, or in violation of guidelines), technical difficulties (streaming issues, buffering, login problems, app crashes, or billing errors), or subscription, report your concerns to the customer service executives of JioCinema:

JioCinema Customer Support:

You can file your complaints through:

After submitting your complaint, note down the ticket ID for tracking the status.

Escalation to Grievance Officer:

If your complaints is about content or the privacy violation, lodge a grievance to the Grievance Officer.

Within your grievance, provide your name, contact details, title of the show, date, episode, concern, and a description of the disputed matter in your grievance including a reference/ticket ID of the previous complaint with supporting evidence.

Contact details:

Approaching Consumer Forum:

If your complaints are not resolved to your satisfactio, file an informal consumer complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), Department of Consumer Affairs for violation of consumer rights by JioCinema.

You can also approach:

  • Regulatory Bodies: If unsatisfied with JioCinema’s response, escalate to regulatory bodies like BCCC or NBDSA.
  • Ministry of Information and Broadcasting: Lodge a public grievance through CPGRAMS if the issue remains unresolved.

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