How can you file booking complaints of EaseMyTrip?

To file a complaint about booking services of EaseMyTrip such as international flight/charter booking, hotel reservations, bus/train ticketing, holiday packages, and cab booking, you can follow these steps and use the provided contact details & customer helplines to make your complaint to EaseMyTrip:

Contact EaseMyTrip Customer Support:

  • Customer Care Number: Call the helplines +911143131313 or +911143030303 to contact the customer service team.
  • WhatsApp: Message on +919990330330
  • Email: Send an email to

Contact Overseas Office:

Country Customer Care Number Email
London +443300430043
Thailand +66611930333
Dubai, UAE 043035888

You can also use the official mobile app and online booking portal to live chat with the support team of the company.

Steps to file an online complaint:

  • Visit the official portal of EaseMyTrip:
  • From the menu section, select “Connect With Us” or login to your account.
  • Click “Contact Us” to open the online complaint form.
  • Fill out the online form including booking ID and all necessary details in your complaint (cancellation, refund, payment failure, quality of service, or insurance claims).
  • Submit the form.

After submitting your complaint, note down the reference or ticket ID for future correspondence.

For other issues, contact:

Service Email
Holidays Enquiry
Association and Partnership
Product Promotions & Event Sponsorships

Escalation to Nodal Officer:

If your lodged complaints are not resolved satisfactorily by the customer service team, escalate the complaint to the Customer Service Head (Nodal Officer) of EaseMyTrip via email or letter including Booking ID, reference/acknowledgement ID and expected resolution.

  • Email:
  • Address: Customer Service Head, Trip Planners Private Limited, Building No. 223, Patparganj Industrial Area New Delhi – 110092.

Approach the Consumer Forum:

If your issues are not resolved or EaseMyTrip has violated your consumer rights, file a formal complaint at the NCDRC in your district or state through E-DAAKHIL, with all relevant documents and evidence.

You can also lodge an informal consumer complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) to initiate an arbitration or mediation with the company.

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