If you have complaints about government offices (municipal corporations, Nagar Palika/Parishad (block), panchayats, collectorate, police, etc.), departments, and ministries of Maharashtra, lodge an online public grievance to the Appellate Authority of respective departments through the “Aaple Sarkar Maharashtra CMO Public Grievance Redressal System (PGRS)” portal of the government of Maharashtra.
You can complain about government schemes, demand new civic services (hospitals, public works, schools/colleges, drainage/bridges, roads, etc.), corrupt practices or misuse of power by officials/employees, and other disputes (agriculture schemes/subsidy, public transit, food supply, ration cards, etc.).
Note: To register your grievance, call at the toll-free CM helpline number 18001208040. You can escalate the grievance about public services to the State Commissioner of the Right to Service (RTS) Commission by emailing ccrts@maharashtra.gov.in.
Steps to file an online complaint:
- Visit Maharashtra Grievance Redressal Portal (grievances.maharashtra.gov.in).
- Click “Post Grievance” to open the online complaint form.
- Login to your account or click on “Citizen Registration” to register yourself using your mobile number or email address.
- After successfully logging in, open the online form.
- Choose the department or office against which you want to file the complaint.
- Fill out the form with required details including:
- Provide your name and contact details.
- Select the level of administration (District or Mantralaya).
- Describe the complaint, providing relevant facts, dates, and references.
- Attach supporting documents if available (photos, videos, documents).
- Review the information and submit the complaint.
Finally, you will receive a token/reference number to track the status of your complaint.
If your grievances are not resolved by designated officers, re-submit the complaint with reference number to escalate the complaint to higher authorities, The levels of escalation are:
- First Appeal Officer
- Second Appeal Officer (State Divisional Commissioners or Head of the Department)
- Chief Minister’s Office (CMO), Maharashtra
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