Where can you file complaints against government offices, departments, and public services?

These are the options available to citizens in India for registering complaints against government offices, departments, and public services, categorized by level of governance.

1. Local Government Offices:

Many local government offices, including municipalities and utility providers, have established their own internal grievance redressal mechanisms. These mechanisms may involve designated grievance officers or specific complaint forms available at their offices. It is recommended to visit the website of your local government office for their specific grievance redressal procedures.

Additionally, you may use the state public grievance redressl portal for lodging grievances online directly to these offices.

2. State Departments:

Several State Governments have implemented their own online integrated grievance redressal portals. Additionally, individual departments, such as the police or transport departments, may have dedicated complaint channels. Information regarding such departmental channels can typically be found on the official website of the department in question.

:tipping_hand_man:t5: These are grievance redressal portals of some states:

State Grievance Portal
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister’s Grievance Redressal System (https://pgrs.ap.gov.in/)
Arunachal Pradesh CM e-Jansunwai (https://cmejansunwai.arunachal.gov.in/)
Assam Chief Minister Grievance Cell (Write To CM - Chief Minister of Assam)
Bihar Lok Shikayat (https://lokshikayat.bihar.gov.in/)
Chhattisgarh Jan Shikayat (https://janshikayat.cg.nic.in/)
Goa Directorate of Public Grievances (https://dpg.goa.gov.in/)
Gujarat Gujarat CMO Samadhan (https://cmogujarat.gov.in/en/write-to-cmo)
Haryana CM Grievance Redressal System (https://cmharyanacell.nic.in/)
Himachal Pradesh CM Sewa Sankalp, Samgr eSamadhan (https://cmsankalp.hp.gov.in/)
Jharkhand CMO Jharkhand (https://cm.jharkhand.gov.in/node/958/))
Jammu and Kashmir (1) JK-IGRAMS (http://jkgrievance.in/)
Jammu and Kashmir (2) JK Samadhan (https://samadhan.jk.gov.in/publicGrievance)
Karnataka Janaspandana IPGRS (https://ipgrs.karnataka.gov.in/)
Kerala Chief Minister’s Public Grievance Redressal Cell (https://complaints.cmo.kerala.gov.in/)
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Helpline (https://cmhelpline.mp.gov.in/)
Maharashtra Grievance Redressal System (https://grievances.maharashtra.gov.in/)
Manipur CM Da Haisi (https://cmdahaisi.mn.gov.in/)
Mizoram Mipui Aw (https://mipuiaw.mizoram.gov.in/)
Nagaland PG Portal (https://pgportal.gov.in/)
NCT of Delhi Public Grievance Monitoring System (https://pgms.delhi.gov.in/)
Odisha Jana Sunani, PGRS (Public Grievance Redressal Portal)
Punjab Connect Punjab (https://connect.punjab.gov.in/)
Rajasthan Rajasthan Sampark (https://sampark.rajasthan.gov.in/)
Sikkim Grievance RDD (https://grievancerdd.sikkim.gov.in/)
Tamil Nadu IIPGCMS - CM Helpline (https://cmhelpline.tnega.org/)
Telangana Prajavani, CPGRAMS (Prajavani Government of Telangana)
Tripura Tripura Grievance (https://grievance.tripura.gov.in/)
Uttarakhand CM Helpline 1905 (https://cmhelpline.uk.gov.in/)
Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai UP (https://jansunwai.up.nic.in/onlineComplaint)
West Bengal Public Grievance Monitoring System (https://excise.wb.gov.in/pgms/page/login.aspx)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands LG Helpdesk (https://db.and.nic.in/lghelpdesk/)
Chandigarh eServices Grievance Registration (https://eservices.chd.gov.in/RegisterGrievance.aspx)
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu PG Portal (https://pgportal.gov.in/)
Ladakh Grievance Redressal System (https://grievance.ladakh.gov.in/)
Lakshadweep PG Portal (https://pgportal.gov.in/)
Puducherry LG Redressal (LG's Petition Monitoring System - Public)

3. Central Government Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS):

The Government of India provides the CPGRAMS as a centralized online portal (https://pgportal.gov.in/). This user-friendly platform launched by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), allows citizens to lodge complaints against various ministries, departments of the Central Government, and even some State Government departments (for disputes involving central government schemes or public services). The portal facilitates filing complaints, tracking their status, and receiving updates on the redressal process.

Supporting Documentation:

Citizens are strongly encouraged to collect any relevant documents or evidence that supports their complaint before filing it. This could include receipts, application copies, communication records, photos of incident, or any other documentation that strengthens the complaint and facilitates a swifter resolution.

By using these available official grievance redressal portals, citizens can effectively address their grievances and contribute to improved accountability within government offices and service delivery mechanisms.

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